Student Conduct FAQs

How can I file a complaint?  Close

You can visit the website at  and complete the incident reporting form. 你需要所有相关方的名字, T-number if possible, as well as the time, date, and location of incident.

我卷入了一场事故,现在发生了什么?  Open
What is a judicial hold?  Open
我已经上过法庭了,为什么还要来你的办公室?  Open
What happens at this conference?  Open
What is an advisor and what do they do?  Open
Will this go on my record?  Open
I don’t agree with my sanction, what can I do?  Open
如果我在法庭上没有被判有罪,我是否需要对学生行为准则负责?  Open